
How bad does it hurt???

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i am thinking about getting a "spider bite"

i think they are adorable :) but how bad does it hurt & how much does it usually cost? thank you




  1. I think it costs anywhere between $35-$55, as far as a pain scale of 1-10, 10 being then most painful,  I was told that it was about a 6.. so not too bad. It all depends on your personal pain tolerance. Good Luck!! (bet it turns out cute!!!)

  2. spider bite was my least painful piercing, its just a little pinch and then its over. it might shock you the first time though cause you dont really know what to expect, but its not that bad i promise. mine cost like 80 but at most places theyre 40-60.  

  3. eww i hate those

  4. Sure, if you want to blow 50 to 100 bucks to look like you're trying really, really hard to be cool.

  5. Are you trying to set yourself up to have a future as a clerk at Hot Topic?

  6. about $40-$60

    and i heard it really doesnt hurt that much but its an unusal thing to get used to

  7. hey brooke, why the f*ck would someone have to be a clerk at hot topic because of a piercing? psshhh....

    anyway, that area is actually quite soft but it is also very sensory, there are a lot of nerves around there. so basically you will feel "excruciating" pain for about 2 seconds, then it's over :] Everyone's pain threshold is different so what is "excruciating" for others might actually be quite easy to deal with for you.

    and when the piercer holds your lip out, it can feel kind of uncomfortable (since you know someone's about to hurt you) so just remember to breathe slowly, relax, keep your "eye on the prize" and 2 sec. of pain later - ta da! you have a new piercing. then brace yourself for the next one, the second always hurts the most :]

    most body mods hurt, some more, some less, but when you really want something it is worth it - and you only feel the pain once.

    the money varies on the place you get it but will prob. be around $50 per piercing, bring a little extra just in case.

    Oh, and choose a nice , clean piercer you feel comfortable with, and then take good aftercare of your piercing.

    Good luck

    - Btw, i only have my septum pierced, so i asked my lover who is all pierced up to help me answer with his experience. And no, he doesn't work at Hot topic - he has a ridiculously fancy schmancy job and he never takes his metal out for it. So don't worry about what people say when they criticize about piercings, just brush it off dear  

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