
How bad does it hurt to have your wisdom teeth extracted?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike bad does it hurt? And after the surgery, how long is it going to take me to heal approx.?? I am starting college this week and I HAVE to have them taken out because they're SO painful. Help?! Thanks!!! :O)




  1. I don't want to scare you, but i have a high pain threshold and i had all 4 of mine come out and i was out of commission for two weeks and drugged the entire time, its not a thing where you can wing the pain, i had to be drugged the whole time and needed two/three refills :(

    Just be strong, dont try to beat the pain, if you feel pain take the painkillers, you'll heal easier, and faster. It's not healthy being in THAT much pain.

  2. They knock you out completely so it doesn't hurt at all when they are taking them out.  

    You will need someone to drive you home because you will be seriously stoned.

    Afterwards, you will be mostly just really sore and they will prescribe some painkiller for you similar to tylenol but stronger.

    The biggest thing is your cheeks are going to swell up like chipmunks.   Don't plan on going out with people much for about a week and half.    You might miss a few classes.

  3. when they're actually extracting your teeth you'll probably be knocked out so you won't feel a thing

    there isn't much pain directly afterward either

    but after like the first day, you're going to feel really sore

    and it really is annoying to have cotton stuffed in your mouth

    you can't spit for the first few days because you want the blood to clot (a dry socket is NOT fun)

    and you can't eat much.. because you can't eat hot things, can't eat solids.. doesn't leave much but porridge or something

    can't brush your teeth for the first few days too, so you gotta rinse with salt water. you pretty much won't be able to open your jaw much..

    oh, and your cheeks will puff up after the first day

    i looked like a cartoon character, lol

    there might be bruising too so don't freak out if your cheeks turn kind of blue green, it's normal

    after a week i was pretty much back to normal

    a week and a half until i was completely back to normal

    it's only h**l for the 2nd to 4th or 5th day.. after that it's bearable

    how many are you taking out?

    i got all 4 of mine taken out at once, sooo glad it's over with!

    oh and another thing,

    i accidentally hit myself in the cheek when i was getting into the car and trying to close my umbrella at the same time (it was windy...) so my cheek got re-swollen for another day or two! not fun! :(

  4. It shouldn't hurt getting them taken out. The part that hurts is after the shot wears off. The way to make this smoother is to get your prescription for pain killers before the surgery. Buy ice cream and cold drinks before. Then make sure you have someone there to drive you home when the surgery is finished. Take the pain killers before the shot you get wears off. I know this is unpleasant. But you will be OK. Take Care.


  5. Surprisingly, its not that bad. But, then again, I thought it would be terrible. So i'm not sure if I am doing you any good by telling you its not that bad. Sometimes, expecting the worse makes the outcome pleasant when its not that bad.

    At any rate, If they give you painkillers (which they always do) and you can be good to yourself for a couple days afterwards, you will wonder why anyone would say wisdom teeth extraction was bad.

    Probably the worst experience was getting the stitches pulled. They knew what they were doing and complimented me on not screaming. You could always ask for dissolving stitches.

    Anyway, for recovery. Jaw soreness. You wont be able to open your mouth all the way for about a week.

    Its really not that bad at all.

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