
How bad does it hurt to ride a harley in the rain.?

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my Uncle, whom I was named after, who also at one point had long hair like me, died in a motorcycle accident. Now my parents haven't bard the whole thought of me getting a bike, their only rule is not until my grandmother dies, which isn't that bad, because i assume the shock of me on a harley would just about kill her, so i have to wait.

The thing is, every time I bring up the subject they throw nasty sounding things my way. the fact that accidents are like 5x worse then a car, and that the insurence would be through the roof. that I'm better off becoming a sunday rider, and just have a car be my main mode of transpertation, which would be going against everything I ever thought about a true rider. the one thing that they brought up, that i haven't been able to shoot down is that riding in the rain hurts like h**l, almost like having gravel thrown at you. the pain wouldn't stop me, and i know it's more of a safety hazard, but does it hurt like these guys are telling me.




  1. Riding in the rain is no picnic, but it does not feel like you are having gravel thrown at you- unless you are not wearing any kind of protection or the rain is actually hail.

    First off, as of a novice rider, you will likely be wearing a helmet. Even states without helmet laws per se have rules for novice riders. You would also be wearing eye protection. If you had been thinking, you will have rain gear with you. You should also have on boots, gloves, and a jacket of some sort, even if  you forgot the rain gear. A windshield/faring protects you from a lot of the pelting, too, if you have one. And, if it is a torrential rain, you should be smart enough to sit it out until it abates. Like, DUH.

    You tires have lost about 20% effectiveness in the rain. If it has just started to rain lightly, wait until the roads get thoroughly wet. When they are just 'damp', the oils come up and make the roads more slippery than when they are drenched.

    Insurance for a young men in general is horribly expensive, so I don't see that as being the deal breaker- but Harley insurance can be substantially more expensive than a comparable metric. As for that idea that motorcycle accidents are 5x worse than car accidents, that just depends on the type of accident. The damage to the bike is likely more costly than that to a car, but not all motorcycle accidents lead to fatalities. Some bike accidents lead to nothing more than bruises and some abrasions. My buddy seems to get into an accident every couple of years- at some horrendous speeds. While I won't say he is just fine (I mentioned he does this every couple of years), he always ends up back on his feet and riding again. Experienced riders can sometimes see it coming and we'll throw ourselves off the bike (chrome can be bought, bones can't) to avoid being dead. But, again, that's experienced riders- and even experienced riders to get dead. So do experienced drivers, though.

    So, does riding in the rain hurt? Not nearly as bad as the hours I have to spend afterwards polishing my chrome!

  2. if it's texas rain (big fat rain) and you're hauling *** and it's pouring down hard, it HURTS (unless you got the right gear)

    it hurts BAD... i'm not ******* kidding either... just imagine a car in a gravel drive way with their e-brakes on dusting you with gravel....

    we have a saying about texas weather.. if you don't like it wait a minute.... lets just say, it's really true... i was in shorts and a t-shirt.. that's it.

  3. Well it depends on how fast you are going and how hard it is raining.Yea the big drops hurt like h**l but when you're on the road with a long ride ahead buckle down and hold on watch for the idiots in their cages and turn your LIGHTS on and PAY ATTENTION to what others around you are doing.I have ridden in rain and snow,sleet and hail it can be a MFer at times but I didn't buy my bike to sit on and watch the world pass me by while I sit here lookin good on my Scooter **** that I ride no matter the weather, you see I live in Colorado .In the middle of summer you head to the hills and you may encounter all kinds of weather in one ride of the mountains,that's what WE DO IS RIDE for no better reason than WE CAN AND WILL ALWAYS RIDE.Do what you must but don't let no one tell you their experience,check it out for yourself,DONT BE SKEERED cause it might get you HURT.


    LILPERX  Liaison Officer  ENIGMA M/C

  4. It's not that bad unless you aren't at all dressed for it or it's hailing/pouring like crazy.  Being cold and wet during and after being rained on is the miserable part.

  5. If you are moron and dont wear a helmet it will hurt. Wear a full-face helmet then it wont. The danger comes from the reduced tire traction due to wet roads. If you are stupid and choose to ride without face protection then I wish you the best and I hope i dont see your brains splattered on the road for all to see after an hour traffic jam because of your ignorance about riding. 1. Dont assume all motorcycles are Harleys. If you insist you need to ride a Harley you are a poser and dont ride for the right reason. Get off the road. 2. If you dont wear face protection when the elements are thrown at you at 80 mph then your face deserves to be thrown in the asphalt at 80 mph..but please dont inconveniece me and others when your dumbass face hits the asphalt and creates a traffic jam for the rest of us because you were too cool riding your "Harley" with no helmet in the rain.

  6. Wow ih8robot..., nice rant.

    Yeah it hurts. It's not unbearable or anything, but it stings.

  7. Dude, ride all you want.

    I won't. I refuse to buy a bike.


    TOO MANY other IDIOT's out there. I can't control the other guy.

    Cell phones and driving. It is scary to be in a car anymore. Bikes? no way.

  8. If you where proper gear in the rain it lessens the goalie in a dart tounament feeling ride when your ready and graduate to all conditions in time New riders tend to stick close to home initialy so you can pick and choose the conditions but even then you can still be caught in a sudden squallid squall

  9. It stings when it hits bare skin.

    The faster you go, the harder they hit.

    Big drops hit harder.

    Make of your ride doesn't make a difference.

  10. Not unless it is pounding down. But the cold and being drenched sucks. Rain suits work to a point, but that is why most riders do have a car or more likely a truck to drive.

    Where I live, driving year round is not an option since we have snow, hail, ice storms, and 30 below wind chills.

  11. Ive been in rain a lot. i have a windshield and rain gear, so i don't really notice it the hardest part is keeping you glasses/goggles clear to see.

    I'm not trying to talk you into buying a bike, that is a decision of yours, but i would hate to see you choose not to get one because you don't want to get stung if you are caught in a rain storm.

    p.s. sorry to hear about the loss to your family.

  12. It is nice to have family who care about you.  Personally, I've been in a few "road rashes" in my young adult life.  If you are going to get a motorcycle, I would highly recommend YOU attend the MOTORCYCLE SAFETY course offered by your state or private organization.

    Good luck with your venture!

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