
How bad does this make Oscar De La Hoya look?

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Shane Mosley calling out Antonio Margarito while Oscar runs from him and instead tries to fight Manny Pacquiao. That can't look good for Oscar can it?




  1. The difference is Shane Mosely wants to continue fighting for at least a couple more years while Oscar De La Hoya is looking just to make his final match. He wants it to be competitive against a big name. Originally he wanted Floyd Mayweather and then Ricky Hatton but Manny Pacquaio is the biggest name available now. Margarito is a BIG welterweight and would cause a lot of problems for De La Hoya - it is a big risk with little reward as the money wouldn't quite be as much. Don't write Pacquaio off so quickly he was at 147 before losing weight for his match with David Diaz and he is not that much smaller than Oscar. He has tremendous speed and it will be a competitive fight. De La Hoya hasn't ducked anyone in his career but for his last fight he should be able to pick whomever he wants. If he wanted to fight a tomato can that would be his prerogative - he doesn't need to fight anymore.  

  2. shane mosley wants a fight with margarito for the money not because he could win. and shane would have a better chance then oscar because shane took oscar to school 2 times already

  3. The same as calzaghe calling out mayweather. it is a pointless fight that proves nothing. if manny wins oscar is over the hill, oscar wins he should because of his size. I don't think oscar is running from tony, but i do think he is trying to go out with a win and tony would really cause a problem

  4. I'm still not convinced yet that Oscar won't fight Margarito. Oscar is reported to be undecided on which fight to take so he hasn't totally ruled out the prospect of a Margarito fight just yet. But mrrarrav above said it best when he said that Shane is still looking to fight a couple of more years and wants to be the best welterweight out there, so he wants to fight the best at 147. Oscar is making this his last fight so he probably wants the biggest payday with a big name but also not the risk of a Margarito fight. But there is a lot of public pressure on Oscar to fight Margarito instead of Pacquiao so we just have to see what happens.  

  5. oscar always did that throughout his whole career until trinidad. that is what he is known for.

  6. Manny Pacquiao DOES have a good chance of beating De La Hoya. It just looks bad cuz he is fighting a physically smaller guy, but wut about cotto-margarito??? margarito looksmore like a middleweight and was MUCH bigger than cotto.  

  7. Oscar just wants an easy fight with a BIG Payday. Cant blamehim there but yeah, it does make him look like a p***y!  

  8. oscar is looking for an easy fight and he knows that as of now, pacquiao has his moment and there is much posibility to beat  oscar.

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