
How bad have high fuel prices crippled the Aviation Industry?

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How much money did the Airlines lose this year due to exuberantly high Jet-A fuel prices?




  1. Not sure on any loss figures, the high fuel prices are hurting everything. I think, if I remember correctly one Airline stating that fuel costs were now like 47% of their total operating expenses. In places I have heard they are charging Business Aircraft Operators $8.00 per gallon for Jet A fuel. In the general Aviation fleet, it has curtailed total operations and most Airports are reporting lower fuel sales in general. the high fuel prices are affecting all aspects of Aviation as well as all other means of Transportation. Not a good thing at all.

  2. northwest and delta lost a combined 16 billion last quarter.

  3. They have not crippled the aviation industry, just taught them to tighten their belts.

  4. I have  said the rich and famous have their own jets. Pretty soon only the rich and famous will be able to via the airlines with the cost of tickets nowadays

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