
How bad is 20/200 vision?

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i have 20/200 vision and i can't see anything. is 20/200 really bad? do alot of people have worser vision than 20/200. also, does anyone else get really bad headaces from contacts because i do and my eyes are always dry. i want to get lasik when i am 21, but is that to young? i heard someone lasik and in one year they got their old eyesight back. i have heard alot of bad stories about lasik. is it too dangerous?




  1. Is 20/200 your corrected vision, or uncorrected vision? Lasik replaces the need for correction. Ideally, you would have the vision you have with glasses, without having to wear them.

    Lasik can cause your eyes to be very dry, that is something you need to look into before you consider it. It is considered a safe procedure. Make sure you get more than one consultation, and you choose a Dr. who specialized in Lasik/Cornea.

    20/200 is considered legally blind, but that's 'best corrected'. You can have the worst vision in the world when it's not corrected, it's what your 'best corrected vision' is that counts.

  2. the lack of good central vision in the right eye, from the neuritis, could have allowed a tendency for the right eye to drift out ("exophoria"), which was previously well controlled, to become apparent ("exotropia").

    You don't say whether the optic neuritis was an isolated incident or associated with other problems. If the latter, it's possible that the nerve controling the inward movement of the right eye, the medial rectus, has had a similar episode to the optic nerve.

    In the first case, if the turn is obvious, cosmetic surgery to re-align the eye might be considered, but in the second it would be approached only with a fair degree of caution.

    If you wear glasses there are also possibilities to reduce the appearance of the strabismus without surgery.

  3. My eyesight is 20/400.

    If you are considering lasik, here is a site you should visit:

    Hope this helps...

  4. What you can see at 20 feet (without contacts or glasses), others with good vision can see it from 200 feet.

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