
How bad-*** is Gary Roberts????

by  |  earlier

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  1. rachel, i love you!

    and oh, he is quite the bad ***

    go pens!!!!

  2. The Boogey Man checks under his bed for Gary Roberts.

  3. Gary Roberts is so bad *** that he  can hit a Flyer or a Red Wing so hard that he can actually alter their DNA. Decades from now their descendants will occasionally clutch their heads and yell "What The h**l was That?"

  4. he's as bad *** as they come

  5. Thanks for the jinx.

    As for your question, Gary Roberts invented bad a$s.

    When you look up the word bad you will find Gary Roberts picture below it.

  6. Hes 87% bad***

  7. Gary Roberts owns Jim Balsille and has moved him to Kitchener.

  8. LMFAO @ letsgopen's remark. good one!

  9. He really hasnt been that bad *** since the first series against Ottawa.  I want to see him more intense tonight and in the finals.

  10. I needed my grass cut before a street hockey game and gary roberts came over and looked at the grass and it just went back in2 the ground. Now if u can scare grass u must b BAD ***

  11. Gary Roberts is the Bad ***!!!

    Don't bust that broom out until after the game....did Dallas teach you NOTHING last night!!!!

  12. gary roberts put the word laughter in manslaughter

  13. I don't see anything puck bunnyish there shock and awe, use your head.

    Gary Roberts is pretty god d**n bad ***.

  14. Chuck Norris is afraid of Gary Roberts.

  15. one time me and Roberts went out to get a drink so Roberts pulls into a vacant lot we sit there for a year and a half until finally they construct a bar around us. Roberts orders 2 scotches then burns the place down and shouts "you should always leave things the way you found them you b******s!"

  16. I had heard that when he was born he smacked the doctor.Thats bad ***.

  17. Gary Roberts is a perenially injured 40 plus year old man.  He hasn't been bad @$$ in years.

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