
How bad is Hurricane season in Barbados? Is it just tropical rainstorms?

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I'm planning on going to Barbados at the end of Sept but wondering what to expect weatherwise.




  1. Barbados is soo far to the east, that hurricanes are hardly ever fully formed when they're passive over the island.  Barbados usually has a higher chance of a storm passing over the island forming to the west and then somehow it gets caught in the upper level currents and it hit Barbados from the west....

    Barbados gets brushed on average something like once every 26 years by a big hurricane.  And massive ones hiting the island *directly* (as in- the eye wall and all) are something like once every 150 years.

    The island I would say has a basic drainage system.  Meaning some spots may collect water, more could be done the minimize it but we don't get like massive landslides with tons of people dying like you hear in other parts of the world.

  2. Weather is unpredictable but go to this site for the previous 10 years of weather for the dates you want to travel.

    click on trip planing



    good luck. the last two seasons have been mild, hopefully we will continue to have good luck)

  3. Barbados doesn't get hurricanes!

    I went to Boca Raton one year after it was "brushed" by a hurricane, or the remnants of it. It was surreal. This rich retirement area was just smashed, stop signs and poles going this way and the other...I've never seen that in Barbados!

  4. hi ,  yes there is a small chance you will see a hurricane,

    however most of the time you will see short very heavy showers but 10 minutes after it has stopped raining it will be bright blue skies & glorious sunshine.

    i've been to the carribean twice in september ( barbados & jamaica) & have been lucky in avoiding hurricanes but there was a tropical storm when i was in jamaica & this was bad enough.

    i'm afraid at this time of year you pay your money & take your chance ( this is reflected in the price as september is a cheaper time to go to the carib )

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