
How bad is Otara in Auckland, lol?

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I'm imaging this american like ghetto where if you get out of your car you WILL be shot at. Is it that bad? Can people sleep there at night with out hearing gun shots every night? Has anyone lived there or works there or has driven past it?




  1. Lol just watch out for the Killer Bees!! HAHA seriously, what a name for a gang, they don't sound very intimidating lol.


  2. bad

  3. There are a lot of migrants there more of the lower wealth class which does attract violence and criminal acts. You can walk around town but i wouldn't look anyone in the eye too much. Also if your of white race you will look out of place.

  4. I go through Otara to and from work (mid-day then late at night) I don'f find it at all scarey. I have shopped as I've gone through on occasions (not at night though!!). Despite the lower income status, most homes are looked after pretty well. I've seen far worse suburbs.Where did this reputation come from? When was the last crime mentioned in that area? - Now Manurewa is a different story - that's where all the recent attacks have been so I would have understood if you'd asked about some of the other South Auckland suburbs.

  5. I know you live Wellington so think of eastern Porirua but 2 times as bad.

    You seem very white because you put 'lol' after your question when there's nothing really funny about it. Your question shows youre very very white

  6. The first thing to clarify is that hand guns are forbidden in New Zealand however having said that sometimes they appear in the hands of criminals but it is not common.

    Otara is a complete polyglot of Polynesian races representing every nationality and group in the South Pacific. Most of the housing in the area is government owned therefore there is a large proportion of people in the lower socio-economic group. Yes the crime rate is very high in the area with gangs of mainly youths representing the various ethnic groups.

    One of the highlights is the weekend Otara market where one can buy Polynesian artifacts, clothing and a wide variety of food.

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