
How bad is a hit and run?

by  |  earlier

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A friend of mine wrecked his car last night, and left it where he crashed it. He called in this morning and went into the police station and filled out a report on what happened, admitted to everything and wrote it down. There was noone else involved in the accident, just his car that went off the road, and is totaled. How much trouble is he going to get in, and should he have a lawyer when he goes to court. This happened in Washington State.




  1. well some @sshole hit me head on and also made my hubby who was in a seperate vehicle run off the road and total his van. he kept driving and when/if hes caught he will be facing 5 years. but it could vary from state per state and also the sitauation? i have noooo clue but i just wanted to share my story and hope it helps a little =)

  2. well, if this is the case, there was really no need to go to the police except to inform them hat you had wrecked and that there was an abandoned car on the side of the road

    there was no impact with a human being, so it is not hit-and-run.

  3. He could have been charged, but it sounds like he wasn't.  So, more than likely, he is ok.

  4. It's not a hit and run.It's cool since on one else was involved.Why did he split though?If they did not have him report to a clinic to draw blood,he is safe if he had in fact been drinking.

  5. is that near newcastle the geordie old bill can get a bit funny,e should get on the dog an bone an get a good brief ,dont want him copping a bit of bird do we

  6. The law on this issue is that you must place your information in a location that is easily discovered, when no one is present.  But he reports the incident w/in hours to the police.  He should be OK.  But clearly waiting until the morning does lend to the suggestion of being under the influence.

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