
How bad is it for a 18 year old to drink?

by  |  earlier

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Obviously it's underage drinking, but what's the worst that could happen (other than dying of course).




  1. Liver damage, brain atrophy, stomach ulcers, kidney damage, etc.....

    loss of memory, greater chances of alcoholism, fines, lower employment chances, social ostracism, etc.....

  2. first did you drink ? i you didn't it will be real good because when you drink you will be like a asleep walking because you will be out off you mind you can do allot of bad stuff and they can do allot of bad stuff for you .

    i didn't drink even once and i will never drink.    

  3. well 18 is considered adult in australia so we all do over here. the only problem for you is that it is illegal.. just dont get caught or do it in a public place. have fun drinking !

  4. well. you could get an alchy citation which would s***w your chances for a college scholarship. thats about it.

  5. Worst that could happen? Well, did you know that you can get wasted without passing out, driving, OR throwing up? Cause it appears most people on this site dont understand that concept. In any case, as long as you drink responsibly, stay in a house or apartment without making too much noise, nothing will happen bad. A couple freinds of mine got a drinking citation for gettin to loud at this apartment, but thats really it. Just know where you are and who your with and your not really in any danger

  6. i don't think it's bad at all. in italy you can drink at 16.

  7. Well there are many things trust me...

    I have a cousin who is paying for a ticket for public intoxication

    she's also paying for a parole officer so banks up to about a good 2 thousand

    Now a friend who got into a wreak drinking and driving

    idk but you always think your not really as drunk as you really are where he destroyed his car and can't get his license till he's 21

    and he has to pay for drug test and for going to AA meetings

    so with his ticket it all adds up too about a few thousand

    it's crazy trust me things get out of control

    but if you like that kind of environment please try to be sober

  8. Before the age of 25 the frontal lobe of the brain is not fully developed. This part of the brain is the part that allows people to think about the future more in depth. If that part of the brain isn't developed then you start introducing a chemical to the body that dampens a brain functions you are now having a problem with any thought other then the moment and that could lead to problems. Also since the brain is in development still it is more easily damaged by chemicals such as alcohol. So excessive drinking will make it so that part of the brain may never develop correctly as well as damage other parts of the brain.

  9. In most of the world it is perfectly acceptable.  

  10. It's not only bad, it's illegal. You're both not maturely ready nor are you legally ready to consume alcohol.

  11. i dont think you can get in trouble for having it.. you can get in trouble for driving while under in the influence or having a fake id to buy it

    and you should smoke some weed instead..thats just my opinion though

  12. in greece there is no drinkin age and life is much less drunk under age

  13. Having a car accident because your drunk and (forever) having the picture on your mind of all the dead bodies in the car you hit.

  14. gah..ur 18 already...ur beyond minor...u will not die unless u dont make it a habit..just know ur limitations and everything and ill bet ull be fine

  15. its not underage if your in australia.

  16. not only does drinking ruin your life, but for example if you are at a party and you get totally wasted you will not only vomit like there is no tomorrow but you will have completely no idea where you are and you will get real angry at your friends and you will also not able to walk properly. When you wake up you will feel your head pounding very rapidly to even the sensitive of sounds and it is all because of drinking.

  17. Detention, if you have your license it can be suspended or revoked, community service, jail time if caught, so on and so forth.

  18. It depends, I've known people who were drugged while they were drinking and awoke to find out that they did things they weren't proud of.

    Drinking isn't all that cool.  It's expensive and wasteful and very hard on your body.  I know, because I've been a drunk for about 8 years now.

    Good luck

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