
How bad is it moving from a private to a public school?

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Have I heard too many horror stories or will you get beaten to death?




  1. My best friend moved to a public school in 10th grade.  That is when we met.  She was in shock at first - no uniforms, teachers talked to her.

    If you are starting a the beginning of the school year, a lot of people will not know you are a new student - unless it is a really small school.  Take your time making friends.  Watch to see how those people act around other people.  Some people try to get information out of others and then talk about them.  

    You never know, you might really like public school.  Get involved in some clubs that interest you. Go to dances and dance with anyone and everyone.  Be involved.

  2. are you joking??? actually i wouldnt know but some kids came to our school from a private school. i dont know why it would be any different..... yeah public schools are for hardend criminals and gangsters.

  3. not true. it is a big change. public schools are much bigger and there are very different races and plenty of them. you will make friends and it will be fun. just get involved

  4. Don't listen. I was a new kid twice, and it was never bad. It'll be fun, I promise

  5. You will meet new friends and expand your horizons. Face the challenge with a brave attitude and consider it a new learning experience.

  6. it's not bad at all. i switched into public school for 8th grade, after being in a private school since 4rth grade (home schooled previous to that). it was pretty easy to make friends, and i like public school sooo much better! (i'll be a junior this year.) as long as you don't act like a snob, no horror stories will happen to you! lol! people are just trying to scare you!

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