
How bad is marijuwana,can a smoker be mantle,lazy and sleepy all the time?how one can come out of it?please.?

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How bad is marijuwana,can a smoker be mantle,lazy and sleepy all the time?how one can come out of it?please.?




  1. If you're smoking cannabis bud, buy quality. And all the effects wear (sp?) off, none are long term.

  2. marijuana tends to make people very dopey yes, i don't know what you mean by mantle, im guessing you are high right now. you come out of it by telling yourself you won't smoke it anymore and finding better, more fulfilling things to fill your life with.

  3. Mantle ?  Yes.

  4. Its Marijuana.

    And no its NOT bad. Well to me it isn't! ;)

    You only get sleepy when you're high...and that happens to some people not all pot smokers..

    why would you wanna come out of a high?!? whatever all you need to do is go to sleep and you'll wake up better :)

    i'm a pothead and i get freaking A's in school!...just don't be high during school lol it's awkward

  5. i personally have feelings that you are non smoker.otherwise you were not able to ask the question,the way you asked. anyway eccess of every thing is bad.yes it seems to me that marijuwana can make people out of their mind ,lazy,sleepy.i know many people they were doing fine before smoking but after smoke almost within half an hour they gredually go high and if you ask them any question ,in answer they ask you the question about you like the same thing they want to know from you and never answer the way they were answering before smoking.full high position they jump on you to like a dog jump on any stranger.they even have hard time to recognize you as his good friend who always was there the time of morning they avoid to go to work or come late. they treat you in very good way as they were before smoking.i know one smoker jump on his mother because she refuse to help hime to buy smoke. so really very bad to think about them. thanks for asking.

  6. if you want to loose your high, take a shower...a cold one. great way to kill any buzz..a hot shower will just make u super sleepy.

  7. Very bad...start living without a crutch, enjoy some nutritious food & get some good daily exercises & you will come out of it.

  8. You are either smoking bad grass or you have gotten used to it and it isn't working as well for you. Switch to a different source. To come down quickly, eat a chewable vitamin C (at least 500 mg).

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