
How bad is safety in Equador/Perù?

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Is violent crime very bad in coastal Equador like Guayanquail or northwest from there? Would a foreign person be targeted more (presumed to be wealthy) or less (presumed to have better connection with law enforcement)?

Also how about coastal Perù.

I mean for not only a tourist but for living there or at least going off the beaten paths




  1. I think it really depends on what you look like and how good your Spanish is.

    I visited Ecuador 4 months ago. I have decent Spanish and I look Ecuadorean (short, darker skin and dark hair) so I never got bothered by people when I was on the coast north of Guayaquil. I never visited Guayaquil, but my host family told me it would be dangerous for me as a young woman to visit alone.

    In general I felt like there was much less violent crime in Ecuador than, for example, the United States. Many of my fellow students got robbed, but nothing really violent ever happened to them. In terms of theft, foreigners would definitely be targeted more because they do have money and expensive things and it is unlikely that a police officer would be able to even pursue the criminal.

    I can say that I probably felt safer when the city or town I was in was smaller.

    Hopefully that helps, good luck in your travels!

  2. I'm from Ecuador even though I look American. My parents take me there every 2 summers to visit my family. I'll be honest and say it's somewhat dangerous. You just have to know where you are going. Always be with a freind specially a dude. NEVER EVER wear an expensive hat or listen to an iPod or something like that.  Oh and yes Guayaquil is dangerous. And try not dressing too fancy

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