
How bad is the pickpocket problem in Spain (Barcelona).... How do I avoid being a victim?

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How bad is the pickpocket problem in Spain (Barcelona).... How do I avoid being a victim?




  1. - this is a great site on Barcelona specifically, but good for anyone to be aware of.  Have fun & watch your stuff!

  2. I don't think theft is any worse in Barcelona than any other European (or world) city.  There are many common sense precautions you can take to avoid being victimized:

    For men, never keep your wallet in your back pocket - always breast pocket of a jacket or front pocket of your pants.

    Women, use a small purse that will fit snugly under your arm and that can be closed securely.  Be careful in situations where you're trying to juggle items to get to something on the bottom of the bag.  

    Everyone should be aware of their surroundings, particularly on public transportation.  Sometimes thieves use distracting techniques, even spilling something on a victim and helping to wipe it up, while a companion lifts a wallet.  Children are sometimes used to distract victims.  

    Some people like to use small travel wallets that actually fit under your clothing, but they don't hold more than a credit card and some bills and are difficult to access.  I've traveled in Europe extensively and have never been ripped off (although my sister has, when she used a big purse that didn't close securely).  Don't be overly concerned, but do use common sense and you should be fine.

  3. Don't know how bad the problem is but...

    1.  Learn the language

    2.  Do your best to not look like a tourist (especially an AMERICAN tourist)

    Hope this helps

  4. I lived in Barcelona for three months, didn't speak any Spanish/Catalan, and didn't have any problems.  Here are the top things you should do to avoid being robbed and stay safe:

    1.  Carry a purse/bag with no outside pockets that zips up completely.

    2.  Keep your hand on your bag when walking through crowds and ESPECIALLY hold on tight when you're getting on and off busses and subways.

    3.  In restaurants, keep your bag on your lap.  Don't hang it over the back of your chair EVER.  (I have a friend who was robbed this way... they got her digital camera with a year's worth of photos, and the restaurant owners were part of the scam!)

    4.  Look for jackets with inside pockets and NEVER, EVER keep your wallet in the back pocket of your pants (men).  

    5.  Leave your passport in the hotel safe and carry a photocopy with you.  Leave another photocopy with someone you trust back home, in case they need to fax it to the embassy.

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