
How bad is this dental work going to hurt?

by  |  earlier

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I just had a wisdom tooth and a broken tooth pulled, and they tried to do a root canal but they couldn't, so they filled it, a couple days ago and I'm still in pain. Next week I have to get another wisdom tooth pulled, more fillings and some bridge work done, I've never really had to get alot of dental work done, and I'm afraid this is going to hurt really bad too...




  1. i've had my wisdom teeth out when i was 16 b/c all 4 of them were impacted.. i went to the hospital and got put under for it though, so i didn't feel a thing!  :o)  it's different for everyone depending on your pain tolerance!.. i just got a tooth pulled in the back 3 days ago and i took my pain pills and i was fine.. i basically slept for 2 days!..  i still can't eat on my right side b/c it does hurt still but it's pretty much your mouth just gets really stiff b/c of the stitches but it shouldn't be too bad for you.. my b/f has had root canals and crowns done before and he said they don't hurt at all.. but like i said, everyone is different! good luck with everything! oh and, i'm sure you could at least ask the dentist if he could prescribe some type of pain killer for you!..

  2. Well, I'm not going to lie to you. After the medication from the shots wears of your gunna be aching for a while. But a lot of times they will prescribe you some pain killers, usually hydrocodones (vicodin). And if they don't all you have to do is call them up later that day or the next day and say Oh my Gosh I am dieing in pain and I can't even eat is there any thing you can prescribe to me to take away the pain. And they'll right you a script. I know this because I did this myself today. (had 9 cavities filled). Well, Good luck to you, hope I helped. If you do get hydrocodones the pain will be practically 100% gone.  

  3. it depends on the tooth damage.

  4. I had a molar and wisdom tooth pulled a week apart and i was fine , all you will feel is the needle for them numbing you!! You will be ok

  5. you might want to see if your dentist can do intraveneous drugs to dull the pain, instead of the regular shots in the mouth of novacaine.  or just have him/her knock you out with laughing gas.  it sounds really painful to me.  i'd get whatever i could to not feel the pain.

    good luck!

  6. Ain't gonna lie - it hurts!!!

    They should give you pain killers though, and if those don't work, or if at anytime it seems unbearable - call dentist immediately!!

  7. I found that my births were easier than the dentist work.

    And my births were regular, not the easiest type.

    Good Luck

  8. My sympathies. I've had some very painful dental problems before.

    My advice: take pain killers (prescribed by the dentist) and try to find a dentist who uses laughing gas. It is so much better then!

    Good luck and get better! :-D  

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