
How bad is this for my daughter? (11 months)?

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I work nights, and i have family who live close with their own families. they help me out many nights (id say 5 per week). they will watch my daughter for me from about 430-1030 or so. she goes to sleep around 8. how bad is it for her that i will come and pick her up and put her back to bed at our house? i feel so bad having to do this, but i have no other options




  1. i dont think its the sleeping interuptions that bad for her. i think its the fact that you arent really there for her right now. i mean dont get me wrong i knowww its hard to be a mother and work and everything but when you are off make sureeee you spend as much time with her as possible because mother-baby-bonding is a hugeeee deal. but you sound like a grreat mother because your actually being concerned!

  2. Don't worry; her sleep will be fine.  Be proud of providing a safe environment while you are at work and be proud of providing for her needs.

  3. its not bad at all. if she doesnt go back to sleep thats your problem lol. it doesnt hurt her though

  4. not bad at all, you're doing what you have to do to support your daughter. chances are, it bothers you a ton more than her!!!

  5. it's important to do what works best for you. no two familes will raise their children the same. i would just make sure you are there when she wakes, so she isn't scared about the new surroundings.

  6. As long as she goes back to sleep no big deal.

  7. If this is your only option for taking care of your child, I say do what works for you darlin'!

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