
How bad of a beating are the Boston Red Sox going to put on the Yankees this weekend?

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How bad of a beating are the Boston Red Sox going to put on the Yankees this weekend?




  1. I'm a Yankee fan, but I have no faith in my favorite team this weekend. With the Red Sox and Rays battling for first, and the Yanks and Blue Jays battling for second, the Yanks are going to get their behinds kicked, really bad! The Yanks are trailing the Jays; now that's bad!

  2. I'm still trying to figure out how the Rays got where they are........

    Boston is going to take it.

  3. what the h**l is the top guy talking about. how are the yankees trailing the blue jays. they have a 5.5 game lead over toronto. anyway dont look for the red sox to win. one if your lucky

  4. Yanks take 2 outta 3, and Ponson gets crushed on Sunday for the Sox only win this series.

  5. umm they will win 2 of 3 i think?

    Go to my website for redsox info and fun

  6. Sorry, not going to happen. Boston has a major problem, and its called middle relief. The Yankees are on the way up.

  7. they are not going to put a beat down on the yankees

    it is going to be the other way around

    the yankees will SWEEP

  8. It won't be bad at all. Because the Yankees will get at least one win this weekend.

  9. Please let the sox sweep them so we can finally have a post season without the yankees getting embarrassed in the first round.

  10. the yankees will win 1 game(with petitte pitching)

    they don't have posada and matsui, both huge parts of their team

  11. Not very bad. It's going to be split either 2-1 for the Sox or 2-1 for the Yanks, both team are playing pretty well, the pitching matchups are solid (Tonights a push, Saturday favors the Yankees, and Sunday the edge goes to the Sox).

  12. Red Sox will win 2/3 with the only POTENTIAL loss coming tomorrow night when Pettite goes against Wakefield.  Just seems as if the Yanks tee off on him.  Beckett should get Joba and Lester should easily mop up Ponson on Sunday night.

  13. I wouldn't be so sure about your statement. The Yankees may just surprise the Red Sox & take 2 out of 3. If Boston loses, I hope you come back.

  14. The Yankees will take 2 out of the 3 games.

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