
How bad was your morning sickness and...?

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I am pregnant with #4. I have my fingers crossed for a baby girl. With my first (girl) i was sick everyday until 6 months throwing up all day. with my other 2 (both boys) i was sick feeling but never threw up. now with this one I have been feeling sick from day one (now 12 weeks) but have not thrown up once. Everyone has been telling me that it is a KNOWN scientific fast that when u are preg with girls u get worse morning sickness and i am most likely going to have another boy. Is this true? Pls be honest and tell me what u had or having and how was your morning sickness? I would love my baby if it is a boy but i am now giving my hopes up because of what others are telling me...




  1. Hey congrats. I had morning sickness from the time I woke up till I went to bed, throwing anything I ate or drank up until I was about 16 weeks. I had an ultrasound at 18 weeks and it's a BOY! I think it just depends on the pregnancy not the gender of baby.

  2. I have had awful morning sickness i actually have hyperemisis and i am having a girl.

  3. I was very sick with my boy, but only through my first trimester. I am now 30 weeks and have been fine.

  4. I don't know if its been scientifically proven or not but I have heard that you don't have as much sickness with a boy. I had very mild nausea with my my son. But my husbands Mom told me she was sick the whole 9 months when she was pregnant with him. I think its just a wives tale! I hope you get your girl.

  5. I think it's about the same. I have a boy and a girl. When I was pregnant of my girl everything would make me trow up. Dirty dishes, the smell of food, eggs, the smell of my shampoo and my deodorant. It was bad. And when I was pregnant of my boy it was about the same. I couldn't eat anything. The only thing I would eat was pears. I would even trow up for no reason. The feeling was just there. People at work tought I was anorexic that's how bad it was. I had to get rid of my dog because to me she smelled bad even after I would take her a bath. I think it's just the way you are, some people get it and some don't.

  6. The gender of the baby does not factor into morning sickness at all.

    Some people will tell you they were really sick with a girl but totally fine with a boy. That's just how their pregnancies were.

    Every pregnancy is different and unique. Therefore, bad morning sickness, or lack thereof, in conrast to a previous pregnancy, is not at all indicative of a different gendered child.

    But to answer your question, I have severe morning sickness, all throughout my pregnancy, and its a boy. Not related, though.

  7. there is no proven way to tell from your severity of morning sickness the s*x of the child.

    i had ms from 6 weeks to 6 months then again from 8 months to the day i delivered. puked my brains out. didnt gain weight until i was six months along and had a beautiful boy.

  8. I was nauseous for the first few months of my pregnancy but I didn't throw up once until I was actually in labor with my baby girl. Congratulations on #4 and good luck:)

  9. I was sick every single day, multiple times a day, until 15-16 weeks and I had a baby boy. My SIL had a baby girl in May and she had one bout of "morning sickness" and that was it.

    It's not a fact either way, it just depends on how your body handles you being pregnant.  

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