
How bad will a eyebrow and a lip piercing hurt?

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Well I got my tongue pierced 4 weeks ago and it didn't hurt at all and I have a high tolerance for pain. I was wondering how much a eyebrow piercing will hurt and how much will a lip piercing hurt on a scale of





  1. The eyebrow won't hurt that much but you'll probably bleed a lot. The lip piercing will hurt a lot afterward and will take a while to heal.

    Eyebrow I'd say would be on a 6

    Lip I'd say a 9

    Both will take a while to heal. The lip will need more babysitting than the eyebrow though. You have to watch out for spicy food or carbonated drinks for a while. Before you go to get either of them pierced try to numb the area with ice for a little while. It won't stop all the pain but it'll help. Also go to a good piercer that you trust. Good luck.

  2. lip piercing doesn't hurt at all! if tongue didn't hurt you then lip you wont feel a thing! as for eyebrow, I'm panning on getting one but my sister has one and its a medium pain but ot more that a tongue piercing (i have my tongue pierced)  

  3. depends if your weak or brave.. i would say 8/10 in my opinion  

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