
How bad will it hurt to get a little mole removed?

by  |  earlier

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I've had one on the side of my neck since i was born and i really want to get it off. It ls small, but i still don't want it anymore:D what will it feel like to get it off?





  1. i&#039;ve had a few removed....the needle the use for anesthetic feels like a pinch.   otherwise it&#039;s a little sore after it wears off.  not bad at all.  don&#039;t be worried.

  2. if it&#039;s so small then why remove it?  

  3. The doc will numb it up a bit, and that will sting.   Then the numbing med will go to work and you may feel some pressure from where the doc is working, but no pain.  Once done, the doc will probably tell you that wither tylenol or motrin will work for pain relief.  If the doc puts in dissolving stitches, you won&#039;t have to go back to see him/her, but it he/she puts in non dissolving sutures, then you will have to go back in about a week to have the stitches taken out- if indeed you need any stitches.

    After the numbing meds wear off, you will feel a bit sore, and if you have stitches, you may feel a tightness at the removal site.  Non dissolving stitches tend to pull a little bit.

  4. I&#039;ve had like, 3 removed because my mom sees a mole and goes hypers-&quot;Cancer!! It&#039;s cancer doctor! Save my daughter!!!&quot;

    No joke.

    It doesn&#039;t hurt more than pricking yourself with a needle- the small removals are practically un-feelable.

    Don&#039;t worry!

    No pain involved.

    (The worst part is the band-aid!)

  5. My best friend got one removed on her back, she said it hurt a little mostly afterwards, but on a scale from 1 - 10 she said it would be about a 4 and 1/2, usually the doctor will numb the area and since it&#039;s on your neck maybe make you go to sleep, but i&#039;m not sure

  6. Wow a lot.

    More than getting a toe nail removed and that hurts really bad.

  7. I had a small mole removed from the tip of my nose.  I was so scared!!  However, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that the local anesthetic they used to numb my nose made it impossible to feel anything when they used the scalpel to actually remove it!  It was fine, so I would guess the worst part for you will be the anticipation and waiting time leading up to the actual event.  It will be ok and you will be fine, honestly.

    good luck-

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