
How bad would a betrayal have to be before you ended your relationship?

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How bad would a betrayal have to be before you ended your relationship?




  1. if there was a lie and betrayal involved, then the person thought it out, was cool with it, and went with it.. at that point, I don't need them in my life...  Really, who needs that c**p.   Too many good, fun, honest people in the world than to deal with a liar.

  2. Wouldn't this question be better suited in the singles/dating category?  What does this have to do with current events?

  3. way too vague

    if someone forgot to bringing my washing in, I might forgive, but  If they murdered a member of my family i would seriously consider ending the relationship.

  4. If i found out she supported Brentford

  5. betrayal in what ever sense is not gonna be good for a relationship, how bad would it have to be? here´s the definition

    Betrayal, as a form of deception or dismissal of prior presumptions, is the breaking or violation of a presumptive social contract (trust, or confidence) that produces moral and psychological conflict within a relationship amongst individuals, between organizations or between individuals and, if something my girl did in our relationship and to me and i classed it as betrayal it would probably be time to knock it on the head, it all comes down to trust and any form of betrayal breaks that.  

  6. Playing away would be the worst betrayal for me.

  7. what betrayal is to one person is different to another, if religious it could mean a lot, but in the ordinary case of having it of with someone else it is up to you, I would not have any of that nonsense.

  8. That's too complex......

  9. Betrayal is a strong word especially when it concerns trust and what you want in a relationship. If they go against what I want in a relationship then I would seriously consider ending it. If its cheating your talking about then they would be out the door after the first time it happened.

  10. My ex fiance of 5yrs cheated on me with some floozy and told me by a text, so that ended that relationship. I never text him back, called and hes never contacted me since.

    Most childish, disrespectful thing ive ever experienced.

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