
How badly have the reputation of Muslims been tarnished by extremists

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@Sarah: How ignorant is it for a person to label a modern Muslim as "loose".I guess then the whole world is "loose" except for a minority of religious fanatics like you.




  1. Oppression does not create terrorism, oppression in most situations comes from one's own government or body of control. To say that western mass media is a cause of terrorism is just a sign that people have no clue what there talking about. Not everyone in america is dumb enough to think that all muslims are going to bomb them. America is a melting pot of every race and origin that exists, therefor making it an easy target for racial desrcimination. Don't classify unrational and unlogical media with a group of people, this makes you generalizing as well. Religion itself is the direct cause for millions upon millions of deaths. Even if there is a god or whatever you may believe, im pretty sure that whatever put us here would want us to take responsibility for our own actions and not blame them on some writings in a book said to be the word of god. The sooner humans can take personal responsibility, the better off we will be as a whole species, not just as muslims or catholics or anything else. Theyve come to choke the rooster haha

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