
How badly is instant replay needed in the MLB?

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a few blown calls can change the outcome of the game though.




  1. It's the MLB, not the NFL. The NFL has destroyed Football. Baseball should not be tampered with at all.

  2. Not at all -- do you want four hour games?

    Appealing every close play would also require a rewrite of the urles book that must get by the Rules Committee and the player's union -- won't get past both.

    Just live with it and move on.

  3. Do you want to watch football all baseball season? That's what it would be like.

    Your pitchers out there on the mound and he has 11 strike outs.throwing a no hitter shutout in the bottom of the ninth 2 outs.with a one run lead. It's a hot one today.120 degrees down on the field  One more out is all he needs

    Oh Oh Close play at first. hitters called safe..Your Manager is hotter than the weather and comes storming out of the dug out and wants an instant replay

    Pitcher standing there waiting, waiting, okay got the call right. he was safe There went the no hitter. Lets play baseball again. oh no your pitcher just hung one out over the plate.

    Batter hit it to the left fielder on a line drive but he caught it that's the last out. Your pitcher got his shut out. No, wait a minute he may have trapped it and let it hit the ground first. Here comes the other Manager. He's asking  them to review the instant replay.

    Your pitcher is standing on the mound again waiting , waiting. Okay instant replay shows the fielder definitely trapped it. Play ball. hitters got a 3 ball 2 strike count. Good, at least your pitcher will get his shut out. here comes the pitch. Oh no that guy just jumped all over his fast ball and knocked it over the centerfield wall. It's a home run. There, went his shut out. Announcer says on T.V. Boy Joe, you really wonder if that standing around waiting for those instant replays in this hot weather rmay have had something to do with him blowing his shut out and the game?

    Now, do you really want instant replay in baseball?

  4. not that bad bc technology will ruin the sport and by doing that it wont be as fun or as entertaining as before with the umpires doing the calls.  

  5. i think they should use it.if you saw the phillies game last night victorino hit a home run that actually went foul and the umpires called it fair.

  6. not immediate at all, i disagree with instant replay...

    baseball teams did pretty darn good without replay and it wouldn't feel right to have it in baseball

  7. Do you think refs still don't blow calls even with instant replay!!! I cant imagine hitting a HR that gets called a ground rule double or something. Going to argue and challenging while the runner is still on 2nd. Then checking the replay calling it a HR and then having to jog from 2nd to home. How lame would that be. Besides it would make comeback wins less intense. I mean no one would have given a c**p in the Rockies v Padres game 163 if Atkins HR would have been called as such cause the Rockies would have won in 9 simple as that.

  8. Not much... they've gone well over 100 years without it. What is baseball without a few blown calls? There would be no fights, no ejections, nothing fun which leads to lesser ratings.

  9. I think the only time they should use it is one home run, and fan interference calls!!  If they dont have replay, they then need to go on what they call first and not change it.

  10. it doesn't really need it. i mean wat all would you challange


  12. Basball is a judgement game and dosent need IR as  ball/stirke/fair/foul/safe/out/hpb/no hpb

    is all judement calls

    Umpires are huamsn and there make mistakes it takes way to much away from the game. A blow call is not going to hurt someone chance of a game

    you play 162 games you got plenty of time to catch up give me a d**n break

  13. extremely many outcomes of games can change which can change the outcome of making the playoffs or not

  14. instant replay would ruin the game, that's the point of having umpire's there

    if u use instant replay, you might as well just get rid of umps altogether and use the ESPN K-Zone  

  15. not at all.  instant replay will ruin baseball.

    human error is part of this game more than any other sport.

  16. i don't think instant replay is needed. thats the beauty of baseball, you see things you haven't ever seen and things happen that you wouldn't ever think would happen. so just leave it alone.

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