
How badly were Minneapolis and Saint Paul damaged by Hurricane Gustav?

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The Republicans and their lap-dog media keep saying the convention was impacted and shortened by Gustav.

I know Bush and McCain made attempts at grandstanding, using the storm to get in front of the cameras, but they didn't do anything useful. What did Gustav do to the convention exactly?




  1. It was SAVED by Gustav. Bush and Cheney used it as an excuse not to show which was a blessing to Mccain. Arnold Swarsinflugenhiemer didn't show either but that was because of the bad job the inexperienced governor is doing with California's budget.  

  2. Well they are drowning in bullshit, does that count?

  3. what a completely lame question, but heck im bored so will answer.

    Comsidering no one knew how strong the hurricane was going to be when it made landfall it would have been grossly irresponsible to have been partying in Minn. when people were suffering elsewhere.

    Now a question for you... If it had been a week earlier and Obama had cancelled the first days speeches would you be singing his praises for it now? You dont have to answer i think we already know it.

  4. Absolutely nothing. Gustav hit the Gulf Coast. (LA, MS, AL, maybe even TX)

  5. Well it made Bush and Cheney cancel so that is positive!

  6. I loved Bush's speech.  Not because of what he said which was idiotic as always but the way he gave the crowd 4 seconds to cheer before he started speaking and forcing them to shut up.  In that party, we know who is boss.

  7. They cancelled Mondays speeches and held fundraisers for the people effected by the storm.

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