
How badly will new zealand beat wales on saturday?

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its quite obvious NZ are going to win, but by how many points? one things for sure i cant wait for the match!!! woooo!




  1. Not sure they will win if roof is open and pitch is heavy and cuts up. Welsh fire may win the day. No I'm a scottish fan not welsh and have been to the stadium twice and it is magnificient.

  2. the walsh are going to look like sheep who have just been sheared after the all blacks are finished with them.

    all blacks to win by 30.

  3. I think Wales have a chance against the ABs - Wales along with Ireland are clearly moving forward in terms of Northern Hemisphere rugby presence/development and with 70,000+ passionate wales supporters at the Millenium stadium, it will be a very tough game for them.  Let's not forget, Wales almost turned them over last year.  The ABs are clearly the world's best side currently but I do believe Wales have a very good chance - If they do lose to the ABs, it will be by a small margin.

  4. minus 7 points.......Gavin "gell boy" Henson will put the Kiwi's to the sword (when he eventually gets off the bench)

  5. cmon nz

    wipe the floor with the welsh.

    yes i`m english and yes we are still the world champions.This is title that one day the welsh might win......

    As for gavin the rent boy hastings,he is one of the most overated players in the currant welsh squad.

    Its like taking candy from a baby......hahaha good to see the welsh getting stuffed.....cmon nz keep the pressure up.

  6. Beat them by at least 30 points.

  7. Mark E. How dare you? Did you hear the cheers around Cardiff when news came thru that th Pumas had beaten us?

    I will be watching as a neutral but I reckon the All blacks will stick 40+ points on the sheep worriers.

  8. New Zealand will win 37-26

  9. Not as badly as they beat England, that's for sure!

  10. well you must b from the land of hope and glory to underestimate the welsh,we got a good squad on saturday so lets wait and see,i just cant wait to see the english loose againnnnnnnnnn

  11. we shall see ......

  12. i dont know

  13. in the Battle of the Sheepshaggers, NZ will claim the sheepshagging title by at least 20 points

  14. 500 points.

  15. I think NZ will win by AT LEAST 10-15 points.

  16. Monday there was a article in the newspaper were Wales stated that they are the only team at the moment that can beat the All Blacks. Well Wales is in for a very big sup prise, the All Blacks will come out all guns fireing

    Wales to go down by 25 points

  17. Don't under estimate the Welsh team..

    I'm an English scum-bag, but will be singing The Green Green Grass on Saturday. Just hoping for a close game and that the Kiwi's are still in it in the last 10 mins to make it interesting..

    Wales to win by 3-5 points

  18. Big chance that NZ will doo them by 30-40 points, this is their year after all.  I do think however that the NZ team are not as strong as everybody seems to think and that the recent results only reflect how poor some other major sides really are.  Wales are always capable of beating anybody on their day and it isn't out of the question that they could show up NZ as just being slightly better than the suffering nations they have played up untill now,  So, Good luck Wales.

    I am an England fan and this isn't easy for me to say but it is true, this weekend i shall support Wales and hope they prove to the rugby world that the all blacks are not an exceptional team but simply an average team with a couple of exceptional players.

    Good luck

  19. Not by many. It will be a close game but NZ will win by 7 clear points.

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