
How beneficial is reading ancient or medieval Spanish literature to improve your vocabulary?

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1 of my former Spanish professors said it's not so beneficial because nowadays, Spanish vocabulary & grammar change so much & so rapidly. All I can find to read is ancient or medieval literature. But as I said, I don't benefit from it. The professors say that won't help improve my vocab. if I want to become fluent. Do you have any recommendations of titles/authors for modern lit. books to read?




  1. why you don't start for kids book, make sure someone that speak a proper spanish is listening so it can correct your pronunciation, also listen to spanish radio stations or tv shows, that really helps.

  2. I recommend you to read Spanish literature from the Golden Century on. Authors before those times, are very difficult to understand, even to Spanish speakers. Cervantes and other authors of the Golden Century are easier (but, be prepared to find some ancient words and grammar nowadays obsolete).

    Avoid Baroque authors as Gongora or Calderón, they are very difficult.

    Classic and Romantic writers as Larra, Perez Galdos, Zorrilla, are usually considered exemples of good Spanish.

    Also, you can try authors as Garcia Lorca, but he used many Andalucian words, that are not common in other Spanish regions.

    LAtinoamerican poetry from Ruben Dario, Pablo Neruda, Cesar Vallejo. Short stories from Cortazar, Julio Ramon Ribeiro and Jorge Luis Borges. Novels: Garcia Marquez and Mario Vargas Llosa.

  3. I agree with your professor.  Try reading some books by Paulo Coelho.  I've been reading his books for a few months now and find that my Spanish is improving.

    Suggested titles:

    El Alquimista

    El Peregrino


    El Demonio...y Senorita Prym

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