
How best to deal with the thieves that seem to have targetted my son?

by  |  earlier

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In the past 2 months his phone and his bike have been stolen. The usual suspects are involved - there are about 5 dodgy families literally living over the road, and I know that 2 of them are involved.

Yesterday one of them - who is 16 and 6ft - approached my boy, saying that he 'owed him a ball'! Now this couldn't be further from the truth as my son seems to be the only one who ever has a decent f'ball round here. He threatened to beat my son up! The cousin (who was with another boy when they had stolen my boys phone 2 months ago) told him to leave my boy alone, and it was left.

But my boy seems to have been made a target of these lowlife thieves - like they think that he is their monkey or something! They know that he has good stuff - bike, good phone, wii etc. We do not have much money, I am just very careful with what I do have and do not drink, buy drugs or socialise with my money!

I do not think that actual assault will happen, but I want to ask for advice.




  1. move ..I did . cops are useless they want your kid hospitalized before they even talk to the offenders.Save your kid get him out of jerry springer land

  2. i am sorry to here that. when i was about 12 or 13 years old some kids down thee road from me took mine and my sister bike right out of our barn. and about a week later i saw both of our bikes down at there house its not like i could go tell the police have nothing the prove it.

  3. Beat the c**p out of the 16 year old with no witnesses around.

  4. Since police usually doesn't move if they don't do anything serious, and you don't want your son injured, you could ask someone, if you are at work when it usually happens, to keep one eye on your son when it happens. Then catch 'em in the act, and teach them the lesson in the hard way, since it's the only thing they can understand

  5. Keep your son close to home.  If this isn't possible, then I would sign him up for some self-defense classes.  I do not believe in violence, however sometimes the only way to take care of a bully is to take them down.  Let him pick the biggest one in the crowd and show him who is boss.

    Unfortunately in this case it doesn't seem like going to the parents are going to be the answer.  I know if my kids come home with anything that wasn't theirs, I question it and make them take it back (my 5 yo just came home with cups her friend said she could keep, of course the mother didnt).  These boys obviously have parents that condone the behavior or aren't around enough to care.

    Good luck.  Have your son keep things in the house and find someone else to hang out with.

  6. Unfortunately, no legal action by the police can be made unless they hurt your boy. It's a c**p law! My little sister was being stalked and so I called the cops to have a restraining order placed on the guy (she's 16 and he's 34) and they wouldn't do anything until he touched her. Yeah, there going to sit there and wait until she gets raped or something. Fortunately, he stole her car and was arrested, but man.....these laws are killing me! Good luck to you and your boy, he'll be alright. He's got great parents looking out for him!

  7. Have you tried to meet with the parents of these young people?  If you are unable to get support from the local authorities, the only thing you can do, short of moving, is to ensure that your son's belongings are completely secured.  Label his belongings with a tag number and keep a list in your home.  If these things are missing and you contact the police, the tag number will tell who has the stolen property.  You have to educate your son about these kinds of people and you have to be firm about your business.  Take a stand and be firm.  Insure and secure your property as best you can.   Your son has to be more careful about his personal belongings.  How did his phone get stolen?  He has to secure his property as well.  Best of luck to you.

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