
How bias is the media?

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A neighbor of mine serving in Iraq was recently part of an escort party for a major CBS reporter. This was before the Democratic presidential primary was over. The were asking soldiers who they intended to vote for; 54 said McCain, 4 said Hillary and 3 said Obama. When the report aired on the nightly news no mention was made of the 54 that said they would vote for McCain.




  1. Media bias is a myth. It is as biased only to the degree that it disagrees with your point of view.

    Media bias should not be our concern. It is the failure to report the news and manipulation of the facts out of fear of reprisal by the political party in power that we should worry about.

    US mainstream news is no longer a reliable source for the news we need to know. Other than Bill Moyers and Frontline, you must search overseas for the real news based on factual information.

  2. WOW!!!  How scary is that?!?

  3. consider this. if those 54 troops said they'd vote in favor of obama, it would've been all over every major news outlet and we'd probably be hearing about it non stop for the next two weeks.

    but since those troops didn't say what they wanted to hear, they didn't report it.

    so yes the news media is definately biased.

  4. The media has a huge influence on American thinking and opinion.

    I think the media is liberal, for the most part, which by itself isn't bad, but makes things one sided for sure. I think they also stroke people who let them in on their story, and if they are told "no" then they will not forget it.

    Scarey, eh?

  5. they're not as biase i think.. but it really depends on the viewer... but they tend to be too sometimes..

  6. Very bias in my opinion. I think the fairest news is on Fox.

    The best source for stories the major networks won't report is Glenn Beck on Headline News. His topics are the most important ones affecting Americans.

  7. Read Bernard Goldbers Bias in the media.  He used to work for CBS and he cites actual cases of bias in the media.  It opened my eyes and I no longer watch network news.
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