
How big a punch to the head does it take to fully lay someone out?

by Guest10683  |  earlier

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I saw it once on a Tarzan Movie, "Cheetah" the Chimpanzee dropped a coconut onto a soldier's head, and then he was 'knocked out', harmlessly lying on the ground like he was sleeping. I am told it "doesn't take much", to knock someone out. Is that true?




  1. depends totally on how hard the person's head is. Some people need a h**l of a whack to knock them out. Some just barely any contact.

    For example those punches you see champion boxers hitting each other with for round after round.

    - Just one of those punches will knock the average guy out.

    because boxers have to have much harder heads than normal to survive at that level.

    As a heavyweight I have hit heavyweights same level as me and if its not the biggest punch I got they just smile at you :)

    On the other hand I can knock some small guy out in a bar with a half hearted jab from my left hand.

  2. It depends on:

    The size of the fist,

    The speed of the punch,

    How much force is behind the punch,

    What part of the head is hit,

    The resiliency of the person to withstand a hit.

  3. theres alot of nonsesne on this website lol

    it just depends on how hard you can hit, and how well the other person can take a hit. and yes size does matter.

    no you wont knock someone out simply by hitting hem in the chin. thought that is a primary isnt guaranteed. and what really happens is the neck snaps, has nothing to do with jaw nerves that i've ever heard.  your neck snaps back or around sideways, your brain jars....both can only go so far... a lil more and you're unconcious.

    it takes a h**l of alot more than 20 lbs of pressure. i've seen people get hit with tire irons, beer bottles, ball bats, fists, feet and even book bags in school lol

    people are alot tougher than most martial artists give them credit for. then they wonder why their secret fighting techniques didnt work.

    the simple truth is, there is no way to answer your question directly.

  4. go watch fight science

  5. If you punch them in them in the chin the jaw goes backwards and like hit nerves that knock you out.

  6. I think it's 20 pounds of force!

  7. If you tap the right spot, they go down pretty easy - but head is a lot of bone - so can be like hitting a rock too

  8. it all depends on the puncher/punchee...if you punched a 100lb woman she might drop, but if you punched a 300lb man......

  9. It depends on where you hit, and how hard you hit

    Bringing your elbows passed your back full force, straight


    right to the back of the head on the left side or right side

    They are like two bones below your ear

    Hit the top of that complete blank out maybe death

    I dont use this move unless Im about to die or in a bad situation

    and Neither should you.

  10. It depends on the person. Some people have thicker skulls. As far as I know getting knocked out occurs when the brain gets 'rattled' and shuts down for a moment. I've gotten in a few fights, never been knocked out, only knocked out one guy (probably the only guy that deserved to get his assskicked, a woman beater). I hit him square in the mouth and he went down. I've been hit in the head with a 30 pound anchor when my boat capsized and didn't lose consciousness (thank God).

  11. it takes like 10-20 pounds of force to break a jaw. and i found out it only takes 4 pounds of force to break a collar bone

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