
How big can a wooden boat get?

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Can you build a wooden boat the same size as, say, the Titanic?




  1. well i would imagine pretty big...Noah had to fit lots of animals on the arc

  2. Im sure you could as long as your reinforced it properly.  You would just have to have a lot more support sections all over the place than you would say with a steel boat because the strength builds on itself.  If you think about it you can't make a really thin steel boat so as any solid will work just more support is needed based on strength of material.

    I hope that helps it was quite bad explaining.

    Also you obviously wouldn't have an engine etc.  It would be quite impractical.

  3. probly but why the h**l whould you want to if you take it out in the middle of the ocean the waves would tear the boat apart

  4. how much wood you got?

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