
How big can house spider be?

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How big can house spider be?




  1. BIG.  Depends where you live.

  2. As big as my hand...

    And i have Man Hands..


  3. It depends on how big your house is

  4. House spiders in Ireland are Tegeneria gigantea. They grow up to about three inches.

  5. Well as long as it lives in the house, it is a house a house spider can can be as big as can fit in your house!  *laughing*

    No nightmares please!  :-)

  6. it depends on your geographic location. Different species of spiders live in different areas and depending on such environmental factors determines the size of the spider.

    You may want to do some research on the kind of spider you saw, color, shape etc and then use some online resources to determine what breed of spider you have and how large it could get.  

  7. the biggest i seen is 6 centimetres long, but i hear they can be bigger

  8. pretty big, i saw one yesterday, and it was bigger than a tennis ball, but it had thin long legs, and a big butt

  9. Oh God these are my worst nightmae. I hate them. They can be pretty big. I know they can be bigger than this example:

    I have seen one with a leg span of probably 3inches+

  10. The Common house spider(species name, also called American house spider) is around 1/4 of an inch(body) on average. They don't get much larger. If by house spider you meant any spider that can get into a house, then pretty d**n big. I've had spiders at about 3.5 inches(front leg to back leg) get into a beachfront rental property down south.

  11. I have seen them up to three inches in length

  12. The commonest large house spider in Europe, the Giant House Spider can have a leg span of 75mm, 3". Below is a link to the Wikipedia article about it.

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