
How big can men get befor a women stop liking?

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How big can men get befor a women stop liking?




  1. wut?

  2. I have heard over 10" hurts.

  3. :)

    I am going to assume that you are talking about men and their weight.

    True love knows no size... but in the end, it depends on the woman.

    My husband is 325 pounds and I love him dearly...

    Best Wishes...


  4. ask val venis

  5. big should have nothing to do with like or dislike. its all about personality, if you cant find a person like this just wait, there's no hurry. the right person will come along.

  6. well some ladies like the bigger man and some, of course, prefer a different body type.  Depends on their preference and of course the mans attitude.

  7. What do you mean by big?

  8. When a guy gets big (weight), I will worry more about his health than his looks. And seeing as how i can't really say anything to him without me thinking that I'm just judging his appearance I usually will just back out.

    As for the size for lil man I could say there really isn't too big. Even though too big kinda scares me (I'm a virgin so OW!) most girls dig it.

  9. Depends on the woman. My uncle is over 300 pounds and his wife still goes for him

  10. pretty big

  11. This question has nothing to do with Dining Out!

  12. being too much over weight is not healthy.  If she loves you then she would tell you to do something about it.  True love is blind, and many women like larger men, but wouldnt you rather be healthy in love than over weight and single?  Why wait to find out if you're too big for her liking?  She may be too kind to tell you that you are getting too big and not want to hurt your feelings.  She may just stray away slowly.  Do you want that to happen?

  13. Well!! If you are big because muscles its fine but big because you get fat is not fine. I s not only because you are fat but because the health. It is ok to be a little big. I think a man is always charming and i prefer touch meat in a man that touch bones.

  14. Good God. SIZE DOES NOT REALLY MATTER! it's all in the guy and how he uses it!

  15. It would depend on how big and the woman......

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