
How big do i make the spot for when i practice parallel parking?

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How big do i make the spot for when i practice parallel parking?




  1. Practise in the real world with an experienced driver..  You can't get any better than that.  Also, in the real world, would you stop traffic to measure a potential parking place?  I hope not.  Practise, do it, and practise will make perfect.  Believe me!  I wanted to cry when my mom forced me to parallel park over and over again in my Dad's new Cadillac, after I was forced, d**n, I got real good and showed off and was proud...  Now I can confidentlly judge any vehilcle and park it with ease.. good luck!

  2. Use two cones or two of anything and place them between 22 to 24 feet apart.

  3. the measurement is 1.5 times the length to your car

    the average car is 14-16 feet long

    hope that helps

  4. I havent a clue what the REAL measurement is, all i know is that the DMV has some to practice on normally in the back of the building. You can use them when their closed (so after 5pm) the spaces are HUGE too... not even close to the size of a real parking space. Just need to learn the ways to align the car so you get in perfect each time.

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