
How big does a monitor lizard get?

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How big does a nile monitor and savannah monitor get? if you coyuld tell me some other types of monitor lizards and their lengths that would be greatly appreciated.




  1. nile 4-6 feet

    sav -3-4feet


    ackie -2-3 foot

    Kimberly rock 2-3 foot

    bosc 3-4

    green tree 2.5-3.5 foot

    any others are either hard to get hold of or not recommended (due to aggression or size issues) savs, boscs and ackies make good frist monitors

  2. Monitor lizards get fairly large the Savannah monitor will get 4-5 feet long and the nile will be a bit smaller.

  3. nile 7-8 feet

    sav or bosc 6 feet

    yellow monitor 3-5 feet

    peach throated 3-5 feet.

    dwarf monitor under 2

    ackie 3-4

    argus 3-5

    black, yellow, green & blue tree montiors are 3-5 feet

    mangrove monitor 3-5

  4. Look up Kamode Dragon

    It's the biggest monitor lizard

  5. Sav/Bosc monitors are the same thing... they get about 3-4 feet long and are fairly docile in nature.

    Nile monitors get 5-6 and have pretty nasty temperaments.

  6. I once hit a golf ball under a tree on a course in the Philippines. When I went into the shade to play my ball, there were two freaking lizards there the size of dogs. So my scientific answer to your general question is " really, really big"

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