
How big does a red tail boas cage need to be ?

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i want to get one and i need to know if a 40 gallon tank would be suitable for a adult red tail boa and if not what is the size i need




  1. Cage size does not slow down the growth unless it's because it stresses the snake out so much it won't eat. I would go with at least a cage that is 6ft wide, at least 2 or 3ft wide and like 2ft tall or taller. height issn't terribly important, because when they are large they will mostly just stay on the ground anyway. I have my 6ft female in a 30 Gallon Long for the time being and my 4ft male is in a regular 30 gallon. I am in the process of custon building biggwer cages which is the best way to get a big cage if you don't have a lot of money.

  2. Most Red tails only get 10 to12 feet long. How much money do you have to spend, and how much room do you have? If you get a 40 gallon tank you'll need to get a bigger tank later on. I have a 400 gallon tank and that's all my snake will ever need.

  3. The rule here is “the bigger, the better.” Ideally, you should provide an enclosure at least 6’L X 2’W X 2’H, but many keep them in 4'L X 2'W X 2'H with out issues. The idea is to provide your animal with enough room to stretch out, and for a temperature range within its environment- the heated area does need to be large enough for the entire snake to bask.

  4. A 40 Gallon is way too small.  One adult Red Tailed Boa needs about 100 Gallons of space.  But it is unpractical to do an aquarium for them, so a Vision Cage would be best.  You can find these at  If you need to figure out how many gallons a cage is do: L X W X H / 231.  Sorry but 40 Gallons could only house a juvenille.  They get about 9 feet long, are very thick, and are extremely active.

  5. well when I talked to a breeder he told me that when full grown the tank should be about half as long as the snake.

    So A red-tail gets up to 10 to 12 feet so the tank should be:

    6 foot long 2 foot wide and 2 foot tall. for a full grown boa.

  6. Well, red tail boas can get to be about ten feet long.  To be honest, snakes don't need that much room to be happy, but I would go with a little bigger of a tank if you intend to have one that is the full ten feet.  

    Of course, it takes them a while to grow to be that big, so if you're getting it as a baby, that 40 gallon tank will be perfect for the next few years.  

    Good luck, enjoy your boa!  

  7. No, that's way to small for them but it would be great for a while until the snake gets big.

    Red tail boas can get up to 10 feet and sometimes more.

    You would need at least a 100 gallon tank. Or you could make one with the size of

    6-7 feet height

    3 feet wide

    3-4 height

    (Just an estimate)

    Maybe making it a little bit bigger then that wouldn't hurt because red tail boas would like to stretch out and move around. Keeping them in a very small and close up cage is actually quite bad for them cause it would slow down the growth, then that would cause health problems in the future.

    Hope this could help!

    EDIT- Sorry if I care about the red tail boa's health guys! The bigger the enclosure, the more room the snake can move. What do you want me to tell him? Go buy a he wants and not warn him that if the cage is too small it could cause health problem in the future? Sorry if I care about the animal and the owner cause I don't want him to have vet bill problems.

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