
How big is a city in Miles?

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Radius or Diameter, thanks.




  1. It varies, a lot.


    Newark, NJ and Anchorage, AK are among the biggest 65 cities in the United States.

    Newark has a population of 281,402. The city covers 26.0 square miles.

    Anchorage has a nearly identical population of 282,813. The city covers 1,961.1 square miles.

    Anchorage, therefore, covers an area more than 75 times larger than Newark.

    Another example:

    Detroit, MI and Jacksonville, FL are among the 12 biggest cities in the United States.

    Detroit has a population of 918,849. The city covers 143.0 square miles.

    Jacksonville has a significantly smaller population of 794,555. The city covers 885.0 square miles.

    So, despite begin smaller in population, Jacksonville covers an area more than 6 times larger than Detroit.

  2. City limits of big cities are usually around 10 miles in diameter, depending on their shape, and can be up to 30 miles and beyond (Jacksonville, FL).

    A city's urban area can be up to 6 times the size of the city limits (New York).

    A city's metro area can extend over hundreds of miles (Los Angeles).

    Good question concerning the →radius and diameter← of cities.  Maybe you will get more than one answer about the →radius and diameter← of cities instead of the population density and land area in sq miles.

  3. depends on the city

  4. That varies widely by city, so you would have to select a specific city and look it up.

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