
How big is a miniature australian shepherd compared to a normal one?

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I dont really want a huge dog, do the miniatures get very big?




  1. Honestly, a mini doesn't get much smaller than a regular sized aussie.

    I own two mini's and they're both going to be slightly smaller than a female "real aussie."

    If you haven't done extensive research on aussies and mini's, I don't recommend this breed.  They're not for everyone, and not for the average owner.  They're extremely smart and active.  

    However, if you have your heart set on one, look into MARS, the rescue for mini's.  Good breeders are very few and far between!

    Please email me if you have any questions or anything!!

  2. Both Australian shepherds and 'miniature australian shepherds are medium sized dogs.

    Minis stand between 14-18inches. Average is around 16 inches at the withers. Australian shepherds stand 18-24 inches at the withers with females being smaller than males (generally) My male ended up being only 19 inches tall. I would advise looking for a well bred Australian shepherd from smaller parents. This way you will get the smaller dog you want with out the issues that can come with a mini aussie.

    Minis are not registered, that means there is no standard set. Many unscrupulous breeders will mix in other breeds such as shelties, poms, or even chihuahuas in the case of toy aussies. They can lose the traits that make aussies so endearing. This is certainly not always the case but it does happen. The other problem is that mini everything is experiencing a boom right now and a lot of breeders are breeding for size and not health type or temperment.

    On the flip side there are the mini supporters who claim it is actually a seperate breed and a searching for registration of the breed under a separate name. it is really buyer beware.

  3. I never heard of mini aussies but I have an aussie/corgi so maybe that kinda counts as the same weight class. She varies between 27-32 lbs (on her fat days). She has an aussie head, body and two diff. colored eyes but short stumpy corgi legs. She's funny looking but she is the most loyal, eager to please, highly trainable mutt around.

    You won't be disappointed, but do remember to exercise and keep busy. They can be a handful too.

  4. My uncle breeds mini aussies. They are so adorble, and only get to weigh about 15 or 20 pounds. They are really loving, stay small, and are so loyal and easy to train. That would be a great pick for a small dog!

  5. Mini's get around 15-20 lbs.

  6. Oh gosh, it's gonna get heavy in here. People hate Mini Shepherds because the AKC doesn't approve of them since they don't meet Shepherd standards, but I'm telling you -- I own one, and she is AMAZING. They usually don't exceed 25 pounds, but can get to 30. I wouldn't recommend toys (15 pounds and below) since they're generally unhealthy and start to resemble rats a little more than Aussies, but mine is 20 pounds and absolutely perfect. I've loved Australian Shepherds forever but my mom said we couldn't get a big dog, so she's perfect for me. Good luck and remember, people that talk about what terrible dogs they are and all of their health problems are speaking without personal experience with these dogs. Think about it, ALL dogs have health problems associated with their breed.

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