
How big is a standard size billiards pool table?

by Guest66750  |  earlier

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How big is standard size professional billiards pool table, the ones the pros use on tv?




  1. i can answear that cuz i have is 4 1/2 feet by 9 feet. its pretty different to play on your standard table to go play on a bar pool table that is smaller.

  2. Most professional size pool tables are 4 1/2 x 9 feet.  However, when you play in a bar or even most community pool halls, you're typically playing on a 4 x 8 foot table.  This is because the typical casual pool player has more difficulty making shots with a pro table.  However, in some pro tournaments a 4 x 8 table is used.

  3. Pros play on 9ft tables.  Most home tables are 8ft.  There are also 8ft (pro) tables that are 8ft, but slightly wider.  Most bar tables are 7ft.

  4. The pros play on 9 footers. Up until around 1960 a lot of pro tourneys were played on 10 footers. I believe Willie Mosconi won some of his championships on 10 foot tables , never see them anymore. Bar tables are usually, but not always , 7 footers.

  5. Forever a 8 by 4 but the 9s have taken over as reg size

                                                Later Johnny

  6. They play on 9 ft. tables (4.5 ft. x 9 ft.).

    Unless you're talking about snooker, in which case it's 6 ft. by 12 ft.


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