I'm trying to picture how big a cloud of pollution 1 tonne of CO2 really makes. I mean, one tonne of carbon all squashed together makes for a cube a little over 1 metre each side, more or less, but if you took the average CO2 spread as it might, are we talking about a cloud that would cover a football pitch, a large University campus, a state or a country?
How about if you laid one tonne of CO2 flat in a 1 atom thick puddle? What would that cover?
I guess you'd have to factor in if that tonne of CO2 is stuck somewhere where you get smog conditions or not, but
I was just reading this article on CNN, http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/07/18/eco.carbontrading/index.html and it got me thinking about how to convince the world that we just have to make it interesting to the greedy side of mankind to scuttle as much pollution as possible and not just shop it around. How can it possibly make sense to invent a quota for a country that can't produce the mess, just to buy it?