
How big is each angle in a regular polygon?

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  1. Well a Regular Polygon is a triangle which has three angles.....The angles added together should .....if added correctly will add up to 180 so 180 divided by three. Now every angle adds up to 60

  2. 180-(360/n)  should be the size of each interior angle (in degrees where you have a 'n' sided polygon).

    think about it like this:

    Divide the polygon into radial triangles from the center

    you can draw a circle around the center of the polygon, which means those angles from the triangle must add to be 360 degrees.  

    because the triangles are all isosceles by radial symmetry, the two remaining angles must add to be the size of any interior angle.

    180(degrees in a triangle) - 360/n (the size of the radial angle of each triangle)

    notice that this also makes intuitive sense, as the number of sides grows the angles will grow larger and begin to approach a straight line.

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