
How big is it that Lieberman speaks at Republican Convention?

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Independent Lieberman picks McCain over Obama. Is this significant for persuading the independent voters?




  1. Are you kidding?  Do you think that independent voters are going for the extreme conservatism that McCain is embracing with Sarah Palin?  

    Ummmm, no.  The independents and moderates created the whirlwind responsible for Hurricane Gustav as they rushed to join the Obama campaign.

  2. Not really. Lieberman is notorious for tip-toeing the fence whenever it suits him.

  3. Lieberman is just a republican who isn't officially with the party. If you look at his voting record he's a company man all the way. No big surprise really and it won't fool any intelligent independents

  4. Just because he supported the war doesn't mean he's a republican. The liberals stabbed him in the back because they can't take anyone disagreeing with them. I think it's great he spoke at the convention. Lieberman stands up for what he believes in, which is more than what I can say for most demoncrats.

  5. Considering it's gonna cost him his Committee's pretty big.

  6. Someone like Liberman needed  to be there to help persuade the moderate Dems and Independents to go for McCain and Palin. He was going for a major minority of the voter bloc and it was important to do so. McCain will need those votes to decisively beat Obama's ticket. Without those votes McCain can barley win.

  7. What a "LOSER !" and what a horrible speech !!!!!

  8. He is a bitter opportunist.  When the repubs are done with him and toss him to the wind, don't come slithering back, you snake.

    He thinks there is a pot of gold for him on the other side of the rainbow should Mccain pull off a miracle win.  I've got news for him when President Obama takes office in January, LIEberman can just keep his Independent credentials, we don't want him.

  9. Lieberman IS a Republican... masquerading as an "independent"...

    He LOST trying to run as a 'Democrat' in his OWN state...  and it was Republicans who basically re-elected him!!

  10. It's awesome.  What makes it even better is that he was Gore's running mate in 2000.  

  11. Lieberman is pathetic. He's a loose cannon and the Reps are taking a huge chance letting him speak.

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