
How big is "Big" meant to be? ?

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Hi, lots of guys at my school all brag because supposedly their p***s is really big.

how big is "big" meant to be?

this is around the 15-16 age




  1. at 15 or 16 i would say anywhere between 7-9 inches  

  2. 15"

  3. the truth is that your in high school so not a single person is not going to be lying.

    "big," should in all actuality be somewhere around seven-eight inches and average should be just above five or at least that is what the numbers show.

    The truth is though that all your friends are going to say that they are at least seven inches even though they are not or at least most of them won't be.

    This is all after you have finished puberty though so at 15-16 there is really no telling, some guys are going to mature faster and some slower. I know a guy who didn't gain an inch from age 12-20 and then at twenty suddenly boosted up to eight so really anything can happen.

    If you don't have to lie then great for you, if you feel like you do then go ahead because most guys do but ultimately I would just ask people why they are so concerned about it besides having a big p***s does not make you good in bed and having a small one does not mean you are necessarily bad.  

  4. Don't forget this:

                   It is not the length

                   It is not the size

                   It is the number of times you can make it rise.

  5. I'm 15 my p***s is 18cm or  7 and a half inches, To the person a few comments above me who said people that say their p***s is around that are lying.. I can personally show you proof if you like. But as said before itdon'tt matter how big or small you are. Its about feeling comfortable about yourself. Theres no standard size its all genetics, such as family history, hormonal changes and a whole lot of other stuff. Ive seen guys naked at training and theres a whole range of sizes, trust me its nothing to be worried/ashamed about. Cheers  

  6. You chose the correct word....brag.

    Never believe it unless you see it.

  7. At 15, mine was 3.5" long and 4" at 16/17.

    I'd say big is 6" or more at 15/16.

  8. average is 7 inches when done growing

    anything less is short

    8.5 + is big

  9. Somebody yesterday gave a really good answer to a similar question with size by age, good range of what is normal.

    Trust me, if size is important to some young fisherman, it's a lot like measuring swear some guys must be measuring from navel to knee

    6" is fine, so is 4", so is 8" and p**n doesn't accurately reflect average sizes...really size just doesn't seem to matter.  All sizes are functional for all the essential purposes including s*x, o****m for both partners, and parenting.

    For your own satisfaction, and in the interest of science, you can measure and compare to national statistics based on age, race, etc...  

    Maybe it'd be a cool science project?

  10. oh no the last girl was just being stupid

    12" is a much more resonable length

  11. well i think 6" erect is the right size!!

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