
How big is the chance of me getting an acting job?

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I am fourteen and i love acting. I have been in three plays in the past three yrs for my school(not a lead) and i also having done stage performances for dancing ever since i was three. i plan on taking acting classes this coming yr in high school and some more in later yrs. I dont have an agent and probably wont get one until i am older and i also live in missouri. i wanted to know if there was a chance for me to possibly getting an acting job if not soon later on and if there is a chance how can i do it?




  1. 1 in a million! You have to basically be rich, talented, have a manager, and an agent.

  2. For directories that provide information on theatres all over the country, including your area, take a look at this site.

    If you live near Kansas City or St. Louis, a web search on the city's name plus the word "theatres" will turn up lots of information on theatre companies in those areas.

    Some professional theatres offer youth acting classes that will help you develop your talent and prepare you for professional stage work.  In a couple of years, or maybe even next summer, you'll be old enough to apply for summer theatre apprentice or intern jobs.

  3. There is a huge possibility you can get acting jobs. I'm also a young actress, and have done some plays. First of all, you need to write up a resume, including your age,weight, hair and eye color, plays you have been in, and what character you played. If your character did not have a name write ensemble. You should also write any special skills you have. Next, attach a picture to your reseme.

    Always have a monologue ready for auditions, and a few bars of a song. You can find the monologues at your local library or on the internet.

    Here is a site to find auditions in your area(just put in your zipcode! :

    And since you don't have an agent yet, why not be your own?

    Here is a  site where you can look for auditions, and also upload your reseme and picture for directors and scouts to see!Just read the intro then click on talent to get started!:


  4. Get off YA and work on your acting talent.

    Taking the acting classes will be good. Work tirelessly on your craft.

    For now work independently using books like this:

    Acting A to Z: The Young Person's Guide to a Stage or Screen Career by Katherine Mayfield

    Audition by Michael Shurtleff

    A Practical Handbook for the Actor by Melissa Bruder

    How To Be A Working Actor: The Insider's Guide to Finding Jobs in Theater, Film, and Television by Mari Henry


    The Ultimate Audition Book for Teens: 111 One-Minute Monologues (3) by Kristen Dabrowski

    With this one -- work up and rehearse one monologue at a time over the summer (you won`t get to all of them yet this summer but you can spend a full day or two each on 5-6 of them while still doing other things like working and hanging with your friends).  When you think you have it rehearse some blocking and movement in the mirror.

    When you think you are all set have someone tape you and post it on You Tube -- then you have performances for an audience of millions and you can get some useful (and perhaps some not) feedback from a virtual audience.

    All of this might lead you to more lead roles in future school plays (which you should still go out for) and maybe community theatre also.

    You do not need an agent now. There should be open casting calls you can go to in St. Louis and Kansas City if either of those cities is close to where you live. Otherwise even Lawrence or Manhattan (college towns) or Louisville KY if you are in the southeast would have some things going on.

    But start locally with the goal of moving to a larger venue when you are 16-17. Hopefully bring down the house with the lead in the play senior year then go to college for theater. Once you are 18 then you can go to ANY open casting call anywhere.

  5. i'm a young actress too, and have been in a couple plays at my school. It sounds like you're very invovled, and good at acting. There is probably a very good chance of you getting an acting career. If i were you, i'd start small, and look into some acting groups or classes in your area, then maybe audition for a commercial, or local play. Then work your way up from there, maybe get an agent.

  6. There are a lot of people out looking for acting jobs, so it is really dependent on your talent and experience. This means that your chances are slim if you aren't willing to work harder than all the other people out trying to become actors. It is good that you are getting involved while you are young because in order to get a professional role these days, you have to have a good resume. Check out your local theater and audition with them. Do school plays also. Get as much experience and instruction as you can before heading off into the professional world. If you are talented and experienced, and have the help of an agent, you should be able to find lots of auditions and hopefully get cast in some professional parts. Good luck!

  7. I'm your age too.

    And I'm in the same boat.

    My plan is to head of to a drama school once I have finshed with school.

    Their you can meet lots of people with all kinds of connections.

    A acting job know probably means trying to get on to a agency!

    Hope this helps...


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