
How big is the drop in the twilight zone tower in Disney land resort paris and another attraction?

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How big in Feet or metres is the drop in disneylands resort paris-Twilight Zone tower anddd

The Xtremis ride, drop of doom. in the London dungeons.

Much appreciate it if u answer this!

Thanks x




  1. dlrp ToT...

    120 feet if i remember correctly!?!

    faster than gravity!!(well you get lifted out of your seat!!)

    13 floors 3 times and lasts 2 mins 24 seconds, its top speed is 39mph

    the building (Paris version) is 183ft tall with a 40 ft basement

    (by far the tallest building at dlrp and it sure is a great view!!!!! but it is only the second highest attraction in Paris, the Panoramagic goes higher and is less scary lol)

    i couldnt stop shaking after i got off lol dam those 5 min que lines!!!!! our bellhop was the BEST sooooo creepy, you could tell that he really enjoyed his job... that and carressing the door lmao

    I hate rollercoasters and thrill rides but id deffinatly do this one again!!

    Here are some secrets...

    *On the directory in The Hollywood Tower Hotel lobby, some of the letters that have fallen off spell "evil Tower U R doomed".

    *The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror was actually struck by lightning during construction.

    *By the concierge desk in the hotel lobby, there is a 13-diamond award. In reality, it only goes up to 5.

    *Room 259 in the Tower of Terror is the motor room. It is room 259 because it is 259ft above water level.

    *The Hollywood Tower Hotel was established in 1917.

    *The luggage in the lobby is a complete set made from genuine alligator skin.

    *There is a dummy room near the top of the hotel. At night you can see a light in the window where there looks like there is a room. It's really just a light but no real room.

  2. oh...not THAT bad...........=)

  3. the twlight zone is well fun i reccomened it!

    although my fav ride at disney land paris was rock & rollercoaster (: x

  4. In Paris the Tower of Terror building is 183 feet (56m) with a 124 ft (38m) drop, this is the same as the version in California.

    In Florida it is slightly taller at 199 feet with a 61m drop,  it was never 200 feet as Disney would have to add the aircraft beacon to the top of the building. So the red light wouldn't ruin the appearance it was made at 199 ft instead.

    The other ride you mention Extremis I cannot find any definite height figures, however on one review they said its about 15ft. This doesn't seem like much but I've never been so I cannot really tell you if this is true or not.

    Regarding the Tower of Terror, I don't know if your afraid to go on or if your just interested but I went on the Florida version and it is one of the best rides in the park. This is the slightly higher version but its so good as you lose the sense of how high you are, as it gets to the top the doors open, you look out across the park (great view by the way!) and before you know where you are, you just drop! Its so good and I would definitely recommend it no matter which version it is, anyway hope this helps!

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