
How big is the universe?

by Guest33355  |  earlier

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how big is the universe? What's the shape of it? Also, im curious about black holes; what does it do to things that go into it? Are there any other more dangerous hazards that exist in space?




  1. ........................................... ...........................................

  2. extends to infinity

  3. which one

  4. nobody knows because it is always expanding

  5. wow what questions u think that even an angel have an account on yahoo ,cause of which u r asking this question .Well as far as i'm concerned does have an end and its shape migth be sphere or shape like our planet , and as far as black holes concerned it destroys things what ever it takes inside probably ,if not then black holes r the way to connect us to another universe PROBABLY .Well yeah asteroids r dangerous u don't know . they can be a 1cm in size or they can also be 5 kms in size. i hope u got ur answer...


    try this site...............

    mayb it answers all ur q's..............

  7. Compared to what?

  8. extends to eternity..

    basically.. 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000... goes on) times bigger than you can think of anything biggest joint together

  9. The universe has a beginning and an end, thus it is finite otherwise the light from an infinite number of stars and galaxies should come to equilibrium and cover all the universe around us with absolute whiteness.

    The black holes are a very concentrated areas in the timespace continuum in which its gravity so hugh that it's twisting the continuum serronding it (in which time and space normal physics change) and even light rays cannot scape the gravity of this black hole. It says that the black hole is working as a vacuum cleaner, transfering the matter it absorbed into a different dimension maybe within our own dimension in different space and time or other kind of dimensions, passing through what is called "worm tunnels".

  10. The universe is at least 156 billion light-years wide.

    But no one can actually vouch any thing about its shape, its not bounded, which means its true extend is not known and hence its shape is also not known.

    We can only make some guess about what happens to the things that go into the black hole, as a black hole is like a region in space covered by a curtain called event horizon, what goes on beyond that is unknown to us as no information can come out of it. Most of the guesses we make about black holes are based on what we see in our universe, but beyond that event horizon is some thing that is not in this universe, things beyond our comprehension may happen.

  11. According to the Big Bang theory, the Universe started as a singularity and then expanded from then on.  The age of the Universe is about 13.7 billion years.  Therefore, the Universe is has a finite size.  Scientist has an estimate of 156 billion light-year wide.  See the link for more info

  12. first of all we can't even see the whole thing.. when scientist talk about things we see in the universe, they mean the OBSERVABLE universe, or the part of it we can see.... the rest is all speculation....

    second, the universe is always expanding, any measurment taken now would be obsolete 5 minutes later

  13. the universe is all distorted and funky so no one knows the shape, as for black holes, its the cause of an implosion of a planet or star i think, and some say it leads to another dimension or just pure darkness, most likely death cause you'll never survive in one, as for dangerous hazards that exist in space well there's alot like no oxygen, gamma rays and more rays coming from the sun, also meteors and comets, the list goes on.

  14. since there is no planet to live on around here,

    the milky way is pretty huge

    but that's just 1 chunk the universe

    i believe that as far as you go there is a black hole

    it transports you to other universes

    by the way the universe has to be a circle because everything is round

    and by the way stars are trillions of light years away.

  15. You can't measure the size of the universe.  It goes on forever, we have never gone that far.  There is no real shape to it, it's just open space.

  16. It basically/seems is endless.

  17. it is ∞ although a galaxy is wat our planets are in if that is what you are wondering

  18. it's neverending!

    donno shape

    i dono coz ive never been in a black hole

    yes, everything is hazardous/dangerous in space! duh

    thats y we cant live there!!!

  19. We do not know how big it is nor what shape it is since not all of it is visible to us. Black Holes aren't actually holes they are very small but very, very dense things of matter. Because they are so small and dense they have ridiculously high masses and therefore have a very high gravitational pull. To escape somethings gravitational field you have to reach a certain speed, that speed depends on the mass of the object. The speed required to escape from a 'black holes' field is higher than the speed of light which is why nothing can escape because nothing can go faster than the speed of light (as far as we know).

    When something crosses that invisible line of no escape something called sphagettification happens, you would be ripped in half, then your halves would be ripped in half, then those 8 pieces would be ripped in half and so on.

    Other dangerous things in space include solar flares, solar winds, and debris.

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