
How big is your ecological footprint?

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mine is big i use lots of engrey and power 2 run my life but i travel around on the city bus every day excepted for the weekends !




  1. My foot print doesn't matter My God put plants here on earth and that will take care of my foot print . The plants are doing a great job and don't forget it. The plants need CO2 as much as u do oxygen .

  2. Mine is probably big, because I have a pretty big house that uses a lot of electricity. But not as big as Al Gore's house. Houses actually, since he has more than one. And I don't fly around the country in a private jet either. One flight of a private jet probably has a bigger carbon footprint than a month of me driving my 30MPG Honda Civic. Al Gore is rich and pays (or actually gets others to pay for him) into some kind of ecological fund and he says that offsets his carbon. Of course it doesn't do that at all, just like you (or your insurance company) paying the family of a person you killed in a car accident does not bring that person back to life.

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