
How big of a boat can a 13 year old drive

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I would like to know how big of a boat and motor a 13 year old boy could drive with his boating permit? Also is the site a good place to take your exam?




  1. in my state, at age thirteen you can get a permit that allows you to drive any boat (except commercial).

  2. in my state with a permit you can drive a 75hp bass boat.  

  3. a toy boat

    with a remote

    from toys r us

  4. as long as an adult is present he can steer the Titanic.

  5. it depends on which state you live in.

    is probabbly the msot legit online course you can take, it is approved by many states, and the rules and laws of certain age requirements should be in there.

  6. Ok, I like your style kid... your thinking big. Bravo!

    And your own the right track...

    You don't mention your state, so I can not be specific with an answer, but, your doing what you need to do to find out...

    Did you know you can actually get your Private Pilots license (to solo an airplane) at 14?

    Also, did you know that 3 out of every 4 boating accidents involve open bow motorboats under 21 feet?  So, when you get out there, keep a watchful eye out for those guys... especially the ones that are cruisiing across the lake and still have those "rubber buggy bumpers" hanging over the rails - that's a sure sign of a beginner...

    Here are two sites - both are pretty neat - both have material to study specific to your state along with practice tests,

    Keep it up kid...  your doing good!

    Wear that PFD and go for that 6-pack Captain's license while your at it.

    Happy & Safe Boating!

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