
How big of an age difference is legal???

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i live in washington. i am 17, will be 18 janurary 27,,, i met this guy were i work and we are thinking about dating. he is 22 but will be 23 in 3 months. is it completely ilegel for us to date or kiss or anything until i am 18? what im asking is what can we do until i turn 18?




  1. idk if its illegal.

    but just tell people that u are 18.

    go for it lol!!!

  2. Depends on the state, and what 'anything' means.  In many states, you and he have intercourse, oral s*x, or digital penetrations would be crimes.

  3. if you are under 18.any one 5 yrs older than you is considered statutory rape.well. that's in maryland

  4. THe most in my state i don't know if this is true everywhere, but here if you are under 18 a three year age difference between the two. So i'd say wait till you're 18.

  5. i think so! only 5ish more months!!!

  6. No one can stop you people unless one of you have a problem and make a legal complaint

    So feel free this is the age

  7. As long as you don't actually have s*x or to intimate of touching, you are all good to go.

    In most states, the age difference they consider to be acceptable is 4 years if the youngest is at least a certain age (in Nevada that age is 13).

  8. i don't see why not? yes go for it.  

  9. The age of consent in Washington is 16, *except* if the older party is;

    A) More than 60 months older than the younger, AND

    B) In a "significant relationship" to the younger (Teacher, Counselor, Priest, step-parent etc, AND

    C) Abuses the relationship to have s*x with the younger partner.

    If *all three* of those conditions are met, the age of consent rises to 18.

    Since this guy is just a co-worker, and you're already over the age of consent, you can do anything you want - and could even if he was 60.


  10. I don't know where you live, but it MA it would be legal to date- but there could be legal issues if you had s*x. Lots of technicalities in that department.

    The only thing that might happen is that it's frowned upon by society. Even though there's not much on an age difference, typically anyone over 18 dating someone under 18 is scrutinized by the public.  

  11. On a personal note, if he's 22 and actually relates to 17-year-olds, he's got more than one problem.  A lot happens between 17 and 22.

  12. from what i heard as long as your over 16 you can have a sexual partner anywhere from that age to 24 so i think you good for now

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