
How big should a 11 year old?in pounds,no i am not 11,just wondering ?

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How big should a 11 year old?in pounds,no i am not 11,just wondering ?




  1. If you enter the persons details in here:

    (the place to enter it is about half way down the page)

    It should tell you their bmi and where they are on the chart thing.  An adult bmi calculator wouldn't give the same results so be sure to use one aimed at children.  

    Hope this helps

  2. You may calculate the Body Mass Index using the height and weight of the child. Body mass index is defined as the individual's body weight divided by the square of their height. The formulas universally used in medicine produce a unit of measure of kg/m². Body mass index may be accurately calculated using either of the formulas below.

    BMI = weight (kg) / height² (m²)

    BMI = weight (lb) * 703 / height² (in²)

    BMI = weight (lb) * 4.88 / height² (ft²)


    And also:

    The body mass index graph is given there. From the graph given in the site & with the height and weight, you can find out whether the child is Underweight, Normal, Overweight or Obese.


  3. I'm guessing you mean a girl?? About 85 lbs (that's about what I was I think). But give her a year or two when hormones kick in and she should be over 100 by 12 or 13.

    If you mean a guy--probly also about 85.

  4. Sure you're not 11 years old.

    85 lbs is average.

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